Worker killed by HGV at commercial vehicle site:employing company fined £166,000
Manchester care home dangerous excavation: public report to HSE: work stopped
Wrexham crushing death:health and safety prosecution:£180,000 fine
Death of psychiatric patient: health and safety prosecution: Scottish Health Board fined
Scottish care home scalding: company and employee fined
Scaffolding death in Scotland: health and safety prosecution
Law Centres: a positive way forward?
Sita fined £200,000 for health and safety breaches
Amazon sues 1,114 “fake reviewers”
The criminalisation of private landlordism and law practice
Hydrogen explosion in Widnes factory: health and safety prosecution
Dangerous gas work: suspended prison sentences
Devon paper mill death: £400,000 fine
Farmers’ hold urgent summit on falling milk prices
Gloucestershire woodwork saw injuries: amputated fingers
Molten sulphur burns: health and safety prosecution
Asbestos exposure: prison sentence
Girl injured on fair ride: health and safety prosecution
Hospital death: food served to nil by mouth patient: health and safety prosecution
Class justice and the rule of law: John Wynne killed in the Royal Mint in 2000